Life Magazine Ad - 1942

World War II had been underway for the United States for seven months by the time June 22, 1942 rolled around. Local boys were drafted and, having completed basic training, were being shipped overseas to begin their contribution to the war effort. Back in Fairmont, the current issue of Life Magazine arrived with the back cover, the most coveted advertising page in the magazine, looking like this:

FairmontAdLifeMag Edit

What a boost for Fairmont Tobacco Market and what a coup for sales supervisor Charlie Stafford! For the many people who had doubted Charlie's "pull" in the tobacco industry, this ad put that idea to rest immediately. Fairmont was the first North Carolina market highlighted in this ad series and the fourth market overall. Our town was now known to all of Life magazine's substantial subscription base around the world.

Well played, Mr. Charlie! We still love you and honor your memory!


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