Fairmont Novelty Works

Fairmont Novelty Works was founded by Allen Braddy Pitman in January, 1905. Pitman made and repaired flues for tobacco barns and did other metal workings such as stove pipes. He also did woodworking.

Fairmont Novelty Works Fairmont NC

Photo credit: NC Collection Photographic Archives, Wilson Library, UNC-Chapel Hill; used with permission

The business was located behind the A. C. Thompson house, which sat where McDaniel Hardware built in 1948. According to an Administrator's notice the property was located on what is now Railroad Street between Main and Trinity Streets.

Pitman was in business for four and one-half years when he died in August, 1909. He was 29 years old and had been married only one year to Miss Agnes Leggett. Dr. Fuller Pitman, his brother, was administrator of the estate, Agnes Pitman having waived her right to administer it.

I have searched for four years for this story, but I hate unhappy endings.


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