1931 -- The Year of the School Photographer

For some strange reason, there are more existing photographs from the 1931 school year than any other single year. At the beginning of the Great Depression the school photographer was hustling after business! Most of the photos were made into postcards which I have reproduced here although two were copied from The Times-Messenger when they appeared as "Remember When". We have identified everyone that we possibly can but if you know an unidentified person, please email us with the name and we will include it at once.

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Miss Clara Traynam's first grade class, 1931. Third row, 2nd from left, David Levinson; 4th row, 5th from left, Oscar Floyd. Others unidentified.

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Mrs. Agnes Fisher McRainey's first grade class, 1931. Front (l/r) Sarah Small, Letha Curry, Hazel Lovill, Mary Nancy Jenkins, Mrs. McRainey, Hilda Atkinson, Lucille Jenkins, Ima Jean McCormick, Annie Lee Britt. Second row, Carson Prevatte, Chivian Curran, Alice Townsend, unidentified, Allen Gibson, Wilbur Willoughby, Myrtle Britt; Back row, Ernest Klander, F. L. _____, Bryon Fields, Barns Lovill, Walter Sellers, Jennings Walters.

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Miss McPhaul's second grade class, 1931. Front row, (l/r) William Johnson, James Edwards, Robert Walters, James Lovett, Gilbert Tedder, Herbert Klander, DeWhit Walters, Charles Henley, Floyd Glover, J. M. Bullock, unidentified, Marvin Faulk. Second row, Horace Barnhill, Eunice Lamb, Eva Gray Willoughby, Margaret Ashley, Bessie Rhodes, Gladys Walters, Grace Bullock, Mirra Gray Turner, Alice Klander, Sue Nell Small, Elsie Oliver, Melba Moore, Doris Ratley, Henry Davis. Third row, Zula Minsery, Winnie Nobles, Pattie Campbell, Elise Barnhill, Lois Jennings, Jula Stephens Mitchell, Minnie Parker, Elsie Mae Bullock, Sarah Grantham, Josephine Andrews, Martha Davis McCormick. Fourth row, Muriel Ashley, Christine Faulk, Clifton Britt, Wiley Roberts Taylor, Talton Bass, C. L. Nobles, Major Floyd, Charlie Pittman, Elmer Lewis Hedgpeth, Elliott Allen, Jessie Huggins.

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Miss Pauline McDonald's seventh grade class. Front (l/r) Slate Floyd, Buddy Purvis, Jake McLean, Edwin Andrews, Rowland Walters, Woodrow Williams, Buck Mitchell, James Andrews, Paul Bullock. Second row, Christine McKenzie, Frances McNeill, Agnes Lamb, Leona Miller, Hazel Powell, Virginia Pittman, Frances Ashley, Nell Henley, Lillian Huggins, Florence Mitchell. Third row, Bruce Thompson, Margaret Pittman, Gladys McCormick, Elizabeth Taylor, Jewell Huggins, Louise Floyd, Irene Andrews, Mary Bray. Back row, Grey Ayers, Yates Britt, Hybert Atkinson, Arch Rowland McCormick, Troy Lee, Ottis Nye, Rembert Williams, Neil Archie Lee, Woodrow Smith.

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Mr. Prentis Poplin's seventh grade class. Front row, 4th from left, Linwood Floyd, 7th from left, James Mitchell, 8th, Charles Webster.Third row, 2nd from left, Helen McDaniel. Fourth row, 2nd from left, Ruth Alford.

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Music Class, 1931. Instructor - Miss Nina McDavid. On ground, center, Charles Webster; Seated, Louise Teague, Jane Grantham, unidentified, Irene Levinson, Alice Reid Smith, Kate Teague, (third from right) Martha Davis McCormick, (far right) Margaret Thrasher. Standing (front) (4th from left) Dorothy Oliver, (7th from left) Cameron Taylor, (ninth from left) Virginia Pittman, (5th from right) Helen McDaniel, (3rd from right) Sarah Maude Pittman, (far right) Doris McCormick. Back (standing) (7th from left) Janet Floyd.

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Fairmont Band, 1931, Mr. Ponish, director. Seated (l/r) Oscar Barnes, Wilton Oliver, Willie Broox Webster, Wilton Baxley, Curtis McGirt. Back (l/r) Tom Teague, Ralph Inman, Raikes Pittman, Mr. Ponish, Tom Traynam, Jack McGirt, Woodrow Smith.

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Fairmont School faculty, 1931. Front (l/r) Miss Katherine Stovall, Miss Cook, Miss Nina McDavid, Superintendent T. S. Teague, Miss Agnes Fisher, Miss Elizabeth Hunsucker, Miss McPhaul, Miss Crissy Floyd. Back (l/r) Miss Pauline McDonald, Miss Helen Oliver, unidentified, Miss Doretha Farmer, Miss Louise Black, (next 3 unidentified), Miss Agnes Ashley.


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